Contact Us
If you have any questions, view our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page by clicking here.
If you need further assistance with your orders, have comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us:
Monday - Friday (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST) *On the business day, we will back to you within 24 hours.
Monday - Friday (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST) *On the business day, we will back to you within 24 hours.
TikTok: @beetlesgelpolishofficial
Facebook: @beetlesgelpolishofficial
Instagram: @beetlesgelpolish
Pin: @beetlesgelpolishofficial
Facebook: @beetlesgelpolishofficial
Instagram: @beetlesgelpolish
Pin: @beetlesgelpolishofficial
If your order was made on Amazon, we suggest you to contact Amazon directly, as we don't have the authorization to check out the orders made on Amazon.
1. Login your Amazon account > choose "Your orders" > find the order ID > click "Contact seller". They will reply your message within 24 hours.
2. Amazon’s service hotline is 1-888- 280 4331, they are available for 24 hours x 7 days.
We appreciate your time and understanding in this matter.
For inquiries regarding wholesale opportunities, please CLICK HERE.